Easy: ideal for the rider who may be fairly new to cycling in a group, has ridden a good number of times by themselves, has a reasonable level of fitness and would like to try and extend their riding by joining a group ride. We will take a fairly gentle pace. This being Wales, there will inevitably be hills, but we take our time, walk up if we have to, and regroup at the top. Distance: 25-30 miles on rolling terrain with occasional stiffish hill, average speed: 8-10 mph.

Moderate: ideal for more regular riders; a steady (but not a fast) pace, around 10-12 mph; a fair amount of up-and-down but no overly demanding climbs.

Strenuous: suitable only for confident or regular riders; a steady-to-brisk pace, 12-15 mph; possibly lots of up-and-down and some long, challenging climbs.